Welcome to the Qwerty Kingdom!

It’s been awhile in the making but today is the day.  I’m happy to officially announce Qwerty Kingdom will be releasing this spring.

Qwerty Kingdom is the world’s first typing based MOBA for iOS and Android.  A Hero centric, tower defense based typing game set in the fairy-tale kingdoms of childhood folklore and literary legends.

Compete against friends and foes alike, in a real-time multiplayer game that will test your typing skills and battle strategies. First one to destroy their opponent’s keyboard wins!

To signup for the early access beta, subscribe to the latest updates and newsletter, or check out the gameplay footage and screenshots head on over to https://www.qwertykingdom.com/.

We will be sharing further details and developer updates right here as we gear up for the upcoming release.  We hope you’re excited to join us and Tap, Type, Fight your way to victory this spring!